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‘Hot’ Room

May 30, 2022by Darrin

Every home has a 'hot room'.


Which room in your house has an oscillating fan?

Maybe that’s too easy. Which room do you feel least comfortable in, quickest to turn a fan on high, or just try to avoid in the summer months? A 1,300 or 1,400 sq. foot home is a lot for one unit to handle. It has to be equipped to push enough energy throughout the home via the ductwork, a maze of aluminum that may or may not be free of dirt, dust or debris. Maybe it was never strong enough. Maybe you lack the proper return for the air to properly circulate.

These are all questions we address in a 38-point inspection of your AC (part of the Bronze Maintenance Plan), but we then follow it up with temperature and flow to each room. Any variance tells us what we need to diagnose the issue.

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